Aunt Flow

About Aunt Flow 🔴

86% of women have started their period in public without the supplies needed.

Aunt Flow is a certified women-owned company on a mission to provide the best free period products for commercial bathrooms:
• Organic cotton tampons + pads
• Easy-to-use, free-vend dispensers for commercial settings
• Display boxes for small spaces and low-traffic bathrooms
• Add-ons such as disposal bins and liner bags

Thousands of companies, including Netflix, Google, Princeton University, and Live Nation have joined the menstrual movement with Aunt Flow.

Director of Marketing Magic ✨

In this role, I partnered with the Chief Revenue Office to drive the company into the next growth stage by building and developing a high-performing marketing team from the ground up.

This position hired and managed four full-time employees and oversaw 8 agency partnerships, ensuring effective coordination with other teams.

The Director of Marketing Magic role reports to the CRO and CEO.

Key Accomplishments 🏆

Working as the party starter for the menstrual movement, I led our marketing strategy, budget, and positioning of Aunt Flow through all marketing efforts.

  • Led the re-design and re-branding of a new website that led to a growth of +151% e-commerce sales versus previous (PY)

  • Increased funnel performance by launching and optimizing campaigns that drove +154% MQLs and +119% website sessions with +14% session duration versus PY

  • Partnering with sales, achieved +167% growth in annual revenue versus PY

  • Increased social impressions by +192% and grew followers by +16%, with LinkedIn followers up +67% versus PY

  • Developed monthly marketing KPI report for the leadership team and board to have data at their fingertips

  • Implemented project management tools to improve efficiency across the team

  • Directed the development of a branded video and photo content library

  • Organized over 16 trade shows, conferences, and thought leadership events throughout the US and UK

“Not only is Sarah a doer, she is creative and no challenge feels too daunting when working with her. It has been a joy to watch her grow her team. She is an acutely curious, enthusiastic, tireless team player who brings new perspectives when problem solving. She is never afraid to ask questions. I am impressed with how she drives cross-functional initiatives that exceed expectations. As a marketing and brand leader , I think she would be a great addition to any fast growing company. Sarah’s strengths are execution of key company initiatives, interdepartmental collaboration, product & portfolio management, and achieving goals that result in profit for the company.”

Jen Severns, Chief Revenue Officer